Wednesday May 17, 2006

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European Union

And in the end, nothing really happened after all. Hirsi Ali will probably get/keep citizenship and Verdonk will not fall, nor will the parliament. The only significant change is that Verdonk will most likely not lead the VVD for the upcoming elections. Winners last night: PvdA, Mark Rutte.

Get some kink


New haircut coming up soon. Or most likely, the same old boring haircut with a little new dye in the same old boring colours. If anyone has a better idea, you've got approximately ninety minutes to make yourself heard, of which the last thirty only text messages will do.

Going blonde


Live update from the barbershop: I'm going blonde! Not for long though, it's only partially and likely only to serve as basis for a brighter colour than usual.. but for now let's all rejoice that peroxide is doing its job on my skull.

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