Monday May 8, 2006

Liberian Sex-for-aid


The world is a fucked up place:

Young girls in Liberia are still being sexually exploited by aid workers and peacekeepers despite pledges to stamp out such abuse, Save the Children says.

Girls as young as eight are being forced to have sex in exchange for food by workers for local and international agencies, according to its report.

One can only wonder how long it takes for some serious world-wide outrage, but I'm guessing it will take a while. Unlike the Abu Ghraib incidents and Guantanamo allegations, there's no way to tie this to Bush, so what's the point of getting upset for the left?



You wouldn't think Rob is the kind of person who would post a letter to the dating section of Rails, the magazine of the national railways.

Maandagochtend zaten wij in de Intercity naar Amsterdam. Bij iedere stop schoof mijn fles sinaasappelsap over de tafel in jouw richting en we raakten in gesprek. Je studeert aan de AMFI op de Mauritskade, en ik werk aan de overkant. Je woont in Rotterdam bij Blijdorp, ik aan de Oude Haven. En ik hoop nog steeds dat je nog een keer een trein te laat neemt.

And you would be right to think so, I never posted this to Rails.

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