Tuesday February 28, 2006
Number 90!
- Posted by Rob (#1) on February 28, 2006 01:07 CET
Finally! Won three free drinks at the pub but got offered four or four hours of Herby love so I chose four. And then Noel dropped a sticker so five free drinks it was. Wonderful! Expect a drunken, knackered post in three hours. Or alternatively I'll ring work and announce I'm ill.
- PermaLink: Number 90!
- Tags: Paddy Murphys, bingo
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Late night shoarma
- Posted by Rob (#1) on February 28, 2006 03:56 CET
Downside of free drinks and staying at the pub until 4am: finding your coat and then find some grub.
And wake up in time for work. Well, we'll see about that in the morning!
- PermaLink: Late night shoarma
- Tags: Paddy Murphys
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The tribal dance
- Posted by Rob (#1) on February 28, 2006 16:24 CET
Wow. An actual on-line community web site which is styleful, web standards compliant and not a complete pain in the ass? One that actually imports blog entries from my existing journal through the RSS feed? It looks like Tribe is offering just that, so if you're into these sort of things and either befriended to me or called Kirsten Dunst: join my Tribe network. Cheers!
(Actually, join something else: my own profile site!)
- PermaLink: The tribal dance
- Tags: Tribe, networking, communities, user profiles
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Tammy NYP video

- Posted by Rob (#1) on February 28, 2006 16:33 CET
Oh my. Apparently there's a new hot item on the Internet which we will all have forgotten about in a couple of weeks: a 17-year-old bint called Tammy, studying at Nanyang Polytechnic in Singapore, features in an amateur sex video with her 21-year-old boyfriend. Bored yet? Well, apparently the rest of the world is not: there's a genuine Tammy hype featuring fake eBay items, funny t-shirts, horny geeks looking for download links.. the whole kit and kaboodle. Why?
Well, technically seventeen is not eighteen. Technically the video is child porn.
And technically I care more about the fact that the distribution is going on against her will than the fact that she's a minor on film. Come on Internet, blogosphere.. if you really insist on getting all hot and bothered about people under eighteen having sex on film, hunt done some of the early works of Traci Lords. She purposefully entered the porn industry at age fifteen. Or buy a webcam and ask the nearest Breezer teen to put up a nice show for you, if she's willing to. There are so many teenagers who consensually explore sexuality to extreme limits that it's pathetic to hype the Tammy video.
- PermaLink: Tammy NYP video (3 comments)
- Tags: Tammy, NYP, porn, Traci Lords
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Public safety in bars
- Posted by Rob (#1) on February 28, 2006 23:41 CET
Tonight there were some unannounced TV recordings in the pub resulting in a cover-up of exit signs with black tape. I'm not usually one to defend government regulations but I do think this was an utter disgrace. Every single person I care about knows the fire exits but I don't think commerial motives or designer visions should overrule legislation that might actually be a lifesaver for some.
It's not worth it to cause a fuss or stop patronising my favourite pub but I can't help at least complaining here.
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- Tags: Paddy Murphys
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