Wednesday November 30, 2005

Public marijuana ban

European Union

The majority of Dutch politicians wants a public ban on smoking marijuana (article in Dutch) in an attempt to decrease public disorder. The proposal was made by the Christian Union (figures) and VVD, the latter no longer liberal in the European sense but rather statist when it comes to individual freedom. Smoking pot at home and in coffee shops would still be okay for the VVD.

Minister of Justice Donner is not too fond of the idea because there wouldn't be enough policemen to enforce it.

I myself am not too fond of the idea either: it's irresponsible to punish decent citizens by taking away a unique freedom when public disorder is the problem. Irresponsible users will still be irresponsible when they leave their homes and coffee shops. It's not like public drinking bans prevent drunken idiots on the street, so why this would work for marijuana.. I have no idea.

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