Monday November 7, 2005

The war on freedom expands

European Union

Ah, it's November 7. One year ago:

One year ago: France rolled out overwhelming military force to put down an explosion of anti-French violence in Ivory Coast, its former West African colony.

This year: France is struggling (and has been for over a week) to put down an explosion of anti-French violence in.. France.

I'm still hoping it's just social unrest against the police. But it doesn't really look those hopes are justified any longer. Actual molotov factories have been uncovered and the attacks seem to focus on civilian targets such as cars, kindergartens, community centres, synagogues and churches.

So I need to ask: have the Islamofascists begun a new offensive, right in the heart of Europe? Mark Steyn says it is so:

Ever since 9/11, I've been gloomily predicting the European powder keg's about to go up. "By 2010 we'll be watching burning buildings, street riots and assassinations on the news every night," I wrote in Canada's Western Standard back in February.

Silly me. The Eurabian civil war appears to have started some years ahead of my optimistic schedule.

And it's not just the Parisian suburbs. It's its city centre. And Nantes. Le Havre. Orleans. Lille. They say Brussels is next. From there, it would be a small step towards Antwerp and the fifty percent immigrant population of.. Rotterdam.

War in Denmark, too

European Union

Not just France, then:

"The police has to stay away. This is our area. We decide what goes down here".

And then the bit with the drawings of the prophet Muhammed comes around:

We are tired of what we see happening with our prophet. We are tired of Jyllands-Posten. I know it isnt you, but we wont accept what Jyllands-Posten has done to the prophet", he says aggressively, and the others nod approvingly.

Århus, Denmark. Who's next?

What's "bend over" in French?

European Union

What's the word for "bend over" in French? Amidst the on-going riots (or civil war if you desire), I learn of
La Marseillaise in Arabic:

Farida Verhaeghe-Amiri believes, with missionary zeal, that the Arabic version she has penned and recorded of France's national anthem, La Marseillaise, will be a salve on the open wounds of French society.

Some people might remember a distant past, when France had an anthem in the national language.. French. But apparently it's still easier for some to bend over and conform to the immigrant population than to demand that it is actually the newcomers who should integrate, for example by learning enough French to grok the national anthem.

Maybe if enough of us migrate to Saudi Arabia, Riyad will speed up our integration by releasing a "Mohammed had an urgin', raped a 9-year-old virgin" punk rock interpretation of the Quran. Yeah, I don't think so either.

The heat is on..

European Union

Not just arson in France and riots in Denmark, but also arson in Berlin:

In Berlin, Germany, last night, five vehicles were set aflame by unidentified vandals. The German police are investigating the possibility of a connection between the arson and the riots in France and Denmark.

Guardian seems to confirm somewhat:

As urban unrest spread to neighboring Belgium and possibly Germany, the French government faced growing criticism for its inability to stop the violence, despite massive police deployment and continued calls for calm.

My country is cornered by France, Belgium, Germany and Denmark. I'm so calm right now.

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