Monday August 22, 2005
London dirty bomb plot foiled
- Posted by Rob (#1) on August 22, 2005 17:29 CEST
Jonah Goldberg asks about a foiled London terrorist plot, shouldn't this be should be bigger news?. I'm inclined to agree:
The Times of London has obtained an internal British document that shows police thwarted a plot to hit targets with chemicals, sarin gas or a dirty bomb.
It's incredible to see the media flock towards non-events such as "peace mom" Sheehan while it virtually ignores dirty bomb threats. Only a dozen of sources have picked up on the news so far and although coverage is slowly increasing, I cannot help but feeling sick about the lack of balance. Does a handful of protestors seriously deserve more attention than another attempt to bring death and chaos to the streets of western civilisation? Are we really longing to hear the opinion of folk singers?
"I think the question that nobody wanted to deal with is the question they're posing: did my kid die in vain? Because the answer is too awful," Baez said. She has never met Sheehan but said she spoke to her on the phone.
Twenty-six million Iraqi people can now participate in free elections. Thirteen million Iraqi women now find themselves in a social position they have not been able to even remotely achieve under the Baath dicatorship of Saddam Hussein. Or, humour me, read the myriad of good news from Iraq as collected frequently by Chrenkoff. It is not the answer, but the question that is awful.
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EU gives Iran a feeling of safety
- Posted by Rob (#1) on August 22, 2005 18:06 CEST
A document is circulating in conservatives circles in Iran describing how European business interests provide safety:
For the authors of the document, "the European countries such as Germany, Britain, France, Norway and Italy have a presence so extended in the Iranian economy and their interests are of such dimension that they cannot renounce them and join any hostile actions against us."
I wouldn't feel so comfortable as a mullah myself: the EU has shown time and again that business interests matter not to the Brussels bohemoth. Just consider the tan ban, Working Time Directive, insane taxation..
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Possible Met. cover-up

- Posted by Rob (#1) on August 22, 2005 21:22 CEST
Is there a Met. cover-up of the July 22 shooting? I've been rather harsh on the victim of the Stockwell shooting, but the situation doesn't look too well for Londoners looking for a trustworthy police department.
Sad if true.
Maybe the Freedom Bag can help them feel more safe?
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