Tuesday July 12, 2005

Google's New(s) world order


While looking for Ian Blair's exact words on possible new terror attacks on London, Google "News" pointed me to a Bellaciao article headlining Tony Blair ordered the London bombings. Here's an excerpt:

When Tony Blair told the press that the bombings bore all the hallmarks of al Qaeda, he broke with tradition and actually told the truth. The fall-guy al Qaeda network is the bastard child of the British intelligence services and the Freemasonic terror school, the occultic Muslim Brotherhood. MI5, MI6 and al Qaeda are virtually indistinguishable. Yes, Mr Blair, the bombings bore all the hallmarks of MI5 - and you know it, precisely because it was you who authorised the attacks.

How could this possibly be on Google News after Google rejected Michelle Malkin? I wouldn't complain when such articles were to be found on Google's San Francisco Left-Wing Opinion or even just Google Opinion. But it's a bit dirty to while calling it "News". So good-natured as I am, I'm under "I have concerns about the quality of a source":

The above URL is more appropriate for "Google Opinion" or "Google Conspiracy Theories" than "Google News".

To be continued.

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