Saturday June 25, 2005

Rotterdam Parade


This week half the engineering department at work was at home, ill. It resulted in a heavier work-load for me (so still no UK trip update, soz!) but last night a bunch of us went out for some drinks in the sun, some food and a quick visit to the pub. Later we walked around at the Parade, a big open air party and theatre festival at Museum Park.

Highlight of the night:


That's pineapple mint ice cream together with one of the most exciting flavours ever: strawberry with red peppers. They've turned the notorious Fireball candy into ice cream! Very wicked indeed and kind of like a teenage girl growing up: sweet, sweet, sweet, oh my god that's hot. Embarassing moment: the ice dropped from the cone moments later. Sob. I will have to return shortly and get me some more of that.

I didn't get extremely drunk or stoned though: I had to get up at 7am this Saturday and I'm at the office right now to monitor some applications for a client. Same deal tomorrow, so with some luck I have time to post that update about my UK trip. Or this afternoon's BBQ at my parents' house. I bet my nephew will love my new phone.. he's such a tech addict!

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