Monday June 13, 2005

Me, tourist in Amsterdam?


Charlotte was here this weekend so I have been playing tourist in Amsterdam with her. Not sure whether that's worthy of repetition. We left a sunny Rotterdam and ended up in a depressing Amsterdam with drizzle. Which became rain first, and then a pour down.

The torture museum was apalling. No, I wasn't surprised by the actual methods of cruelty I so despise. No, I wasn't surprised by the fact that torture seemed to be a national pastime even, as I already have written about public hanging festivals in Bayswater. I was however shocked by the disproportionately large amount of women being tortured back in the days. A bit painful to see if like me you think girls are wonderful creatures.

Some drinks at the pub (to avoid the weather), Dutch pancake dinner (we had poffertjes for lunch) and some more drinks followed before I went back to Rotterdam, glad no longer being in Amsterdam. Actually, Amsterdam is quite okay. It's just the weather that annoyed me.

Fortunately I had a great time with Charlotte (finally met her after ten years and it was fun!), who should be on her way to the airport soon to get back to Canada. By the time she gets there, I'm off to London myself. It's a small world after all.

Emo Rob logic


Hm. Hopefully people get on-line soon. I feel like pouring out my heart. I'm not interested in emo as a lifestyle but I certainly feel like it every now and then. With the emphasis on now.

And I'm just not just a bit emo when the most coherent logic in my mind can be summarised as:

Flip coin, ignore, buy, meh. See, meh, buy, meh.

Don't worry. It doesn't even make sense when you're me and know what exactly I am rambling about (limited access).

I'm just a bit meh and a bit jealous. There. Now that that's out, I feel a lot better already.

Up up and away


Eat. Pack. Smoke joint. Sleep.

Airport. Fly. Hotel. Queue. Weezer. Sleep.
Queue. Weezer. Sleep.
Tourist stuff. Gig. Sleep.
Tourist stuff. Gig. Sleep.
Train. Green Day. Train. Sleep.
Train. Green Day. Train. Sleep.
Relax. Airport. Fly. Home. Smoke joint. Sleep.

See you all in a week! (and some of you sooner obviously, we'll have fun!)

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