Wednesday May 25, 2005

Pretty Bad Privacy


Innocent until proven guilty? Not anymore. The judicial system is as brain-dead as the average environmentalist, if you ask me. The slightest change of weather will cause the latter to scream "evidence of global warming" (more on that some other time), but court rooms have a zany notion of the concept "evidence" as well:

Minnesota appeals court has ruled that the presence of encryption software on a computer may be viewed as evidence of criminal intent.


The court didn't say that police had unearthed any encrypted files or how it would view the use of standard software like OS X's FileVault. Rather, Levie's conviction was based on the in-person testimony of the girl who said she was paid to pose nude, coupled with the history of searches for "Lolitas" in Levie's Web browser.

It's a shame a man can be convicted based on this "evidence". You'd think there would be some nude pictures as evidence if she was paid to pose nude.

It's also a bit scary. I own a porn DVD called Jailbait (warning: adult link). I advocate the use of PGP myself, on my contact page. I've been dating and flirting with a girl whom frankly I'd like to shag silly as soon as she turns 16 (hurray for the UK!).

Lock me up already, apparently I'm filled with criminal intent.

Can I wear this in public?


I have just purchased a limited edition naughty shirt with (thumbnail) pictures of the top 100 Page 3 girls. For those of you who do not know the concept of a Page 3 girl: English lass, updated daily, eighteen to early twenties, firm tits, topless on page three. They spice up the newspapers the way Paris Hilton spices up Carl's Jr. burgers only without any confusion whether it makes one hungry or horny (I swear, that stain is mayonaise!).

I wonder if I can wear the shirt in public though, I wouldn't be surprised if there is some law against walking around with a hundred pair of boobs on your chest. Perhaps I should have just gotten a mug or mousemat.

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