Tuesday May 17, 2005

Seperation of intelligence and state


I hear a lot about religious nuts these days, so it's a nice change to write about anti-religious nuts:

The American Civil Liberties Union has filed a lawsuit against the US government over its funding of a nationwide sexual abstinence programme.

The ACLU says the Silver Ring Thing programme violates the principle that the state budget cannot be used to promote religion.

It's not hard to see that the UCLA is being silly here. Just throw in some simple facts: condoms only protect against conception 97% of the time (advertised rate). The HIV virus is around 50 times smaller than a sperm cell. Every single researcher on the world agrees that the only guaranteed way to stop STDs is abstinence. Religion has nothing to do with it.

I will agree that the use of a Bible verse in the programme is somewhat doubtful, but I don't see the ACLU come out against policemen because "thou shalt not murder" is in the holy book. All the ACLU is trying to do here is to make religion look bad. If they truly care about taxpayers' money being abused, they should try and abolish government health care regarding STDs alltogether and let insurance companies decide whether abstinence justifies a lower insurance rate.

In the meanwhile, I myself will follow a strict regime of "protected sex with selected partners only". Or to speak freely, I'm quite a whore above the equator but a bit less casual downstairs.

What do you call six weeks of rain in Scotland?


Summer! But you probably won't see much of it on the new BBC weather map, och nay:

Mr MacNeil has put down his first Early Day Motion at Westminster calling on the BBC to rethink the new weather graphics.

He said England had a landmass which is less than twice Scotland's area.

But recent changes give England a presence on the TV screen which is 10 times that of Scotland, he said.

Poor Angus (I kid you not). Perhaps he should realise England has ten times the population of Scotland. That's ten times the amount of taxpayers. Giving the dismal state of the Scottish economy, the actual share of taxpayers' money going towards the BBC is even bigger. If anything, the BBC should represent that!

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