Monday May 9, 2005

Happy Europe Day!

European Union

A lot of readers and friends may think I dislike the concept of the European Union, but nothing is further from the truth. I travel a lot and definitely have a lot in common with fellow Europeans from other countries in the Union. I would actually love to see a strong, federal Europe.

My criticism of the EU is mostly about the current state of affairs in the Union: Brussels has created a bureaucracy where several regulations jeopardise a true free market and at times even democracy itself. I am not fond of the proposed constitutional treaty. I also dislike the notion that Europe must be a rival of the United States. From a global perspective we are or should be a strong ally, not a bickering counterweight.

But I'm not going to let my dismay prevent that I have some joy as designer: May 9 is Europe Day and therefore a special stylesheet is appropriate.

Absofuckinglutely fab weekend


Great start of this fab weekend: three books delivered Friday afternoon, a notice from FedEx stating they tried to deliver some porn and an e-mail the new Weezer CD has been shipped and should be here shortly!

Woke up at 8am on Saturday (earlier than usual) to get a new haircut and spent almost three hours (half-nine to quarter past noon) at Kinki, which costed me €90 (£61/$115) for a wash/cut/paint-job plus a tube of conditioner. I'd say the haircut is a bit British, slightly punk and black with.. magenta, I didn't want to bleach for a bright pink that would wash out in a few weeks. I'm afraid it looks quite a lot like red most of the time, but it's not: the colour is wonderful when the sun is out!

Apparently I wasn't done spending yet, so I also bought some new trousers, a short-sleeved shirt and a kick-ass pullover that looks great on almost every pair of shoes I own. As if the 60s are back, but with a zeroes spin:


No need to comment on the sad face or bad posture: I'm well aware of it and promise I look way more fab when walking down the street.

That said, bought some flowers for mom and visited her on Saturday, early for Mother's Day but still well appreciated. Helped her to switch from Hotmail to , too. Also visited Edwin's flat in Brielle.. kind of nice but not urban enough for me. Maybe later when I settle down, have kids and start acting my age.

Quiet morning on Sunday, but big fun at night: Dick Barry played at Paddy Murphys again, so there was a lot of dancing in between the fags and pints. Still kind of sobering up as I write this!

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