Wednesday May 4, 2005

Stop Stop Bush!


The Dutch Stop Bush campaign recently summarised the reason behind their protest in Amsterdam this Saturday:

He has started the attack on the international movement for abortion, gives free rein to the power of multi-nationals and refuses to cooperate with the most minimal reduction of CO2. In the meanwhile he makes new attack plans towards Iran and Syria.

Abortion is a euphenism for murdering innocent babies, so attacking that isn't something I'd protest. The low prices of multi-nationals don't really bother me either. The minimal reduction of CO2 is exactly why refusing this insanely costly plan is a good idea, especially because CO2 levels don't explain global temperature variances during the Middle Ages.

The world we leave behind to future generations is shaped by people like Bush... and people like us who don't want to stand on the sidelines but want to fight for a different world.

How ironic. These protestors continue to deny the right to life for unborns. They continue to deny that free market countries are the wealthiest in the world. They continue to waste billions on minimum effect efforts like Kyoto. They continue to appease oppressive regimes like the Taliban, Baath, Al-Asad and the mullahs. And they claim they are the ones fighting for a different world? Please.

Rollercoaster favourite ride, let me kiss you one last time


I have not even booked a hotel for my June gig trip yet, but my birthday trip is starting to take shape as well: following Lenny Kravitz the day before, I will be riding Nemesis Inferno and many other modern rollercoasters at Thorpe Park. So far Amanda, David, Ian and Steph are up for it, will try and I have yet to ask Isy, Jess, Matt and a few others.. half-way near the group discount, come on people! My 28th (meh, I still feel 18) will be fab!

And unlike kosher Disney, alcohol will be available! Yay!

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