Monday April 25, 2005

A double date with speed dating


I'm a young urban professional (dated term, but it's accurate) who is actually still quite happy to be a single bird watcher. So it was quite funny to read Londonist's speed dating adventures which can be summarised as a waste of both £23 and a perfectly good evening. Poor Alexandra. Of all the nights one could pick for a speed dating event in London, she ran into the one with the Beeb asking: do women like talking politics on dates?

"So what kind of party do you like?" I asked my next date.

"What? You mean what do I like doing at the weekends?" she replied. Not quite.

Shiver. Ollie-Stone Lee probably didn't ruin Alexandra's night himself, but I am convinced it is best for me to leave these kind of events to bloggers and the MSM while sticking to my own definition of speed dating: getting a gal in the sack before dinner.

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