Friday December 10, 2004

MDI Window Manager


KDE thought of the week: It's about time MDI becomes part of the window manager spec so tabbing can be implemented in a way that every application can have it, in a standard way.

The London Game


I'm considering to bid on a copy of The London Game on eBay and hopefully can get the thirty year old original edition. Should be worth a tenner (or five). Seller only ships to UK though, so I'll have to ask Ian whether he'll be my c/o or hope the seller is in London so I could pick it up next week. Or maybe Chris.

It's a wonderful board game, where one has to travel around on the tube map. It is similar to some other travel-based games I've played. I would have to find them as I have forgotten the exact name those, but one was a Monopoly-style airliner game and the other a visit-places across the world game. The London Game adds a bit of Barricade, allowing players to block tube stations. There's no mystery-solving element as seen in Mysteries of Peking, though. And each player has an equal mission, there is no special player like in Scotland Yard.

I'm thinking of getting a copy because I love these kind of games (obviously). But I have also noticed that Monopoly-support in Atlantik is already more advanced and rule-pedantic than the average casual player seems to care about and expanding monopd with another game seems to be the only obvious solution to still stay involved with KDE development despite the busy work and social life.

My last experiments with KSVG still failed and multi-path routes across the board is something definitely lacking in monopd (I maintain my philosophy that it won't be hard, it's just a matter of finding time and motivation to do it).

I might lose interest if any jumpers close down Central, Victoria or the Northern Line next week though, I'll need them to get to my hotel in Queensway and the gigs at the Brixton and Underworld. Oh, and Circle'd better not break down for I think the hotel is actually closer to Bayswater and there's a Subway over there and a chicken/turkey sandwich with pickles, peppers, cheese and bacon plus crisps for brunch sounds like a plan.

And that's just one of the activities KDE users will be sent out to do if I go ahead and make this new game for Atlantik. A board game where you get to be me.

"Go directly to Camden to make out. Do not pass Bank, and since you pull, you do not collect 20 quid because you're not selling the extra ticket for the blink-182 gig."

That's the spirit!

Update: Doh. Charles is visiting next month. He wanted to bring me something UK anyway and what better than something I actually want. (Not the most, but she won't fit in his suitcase.)

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