Tuesday December 7, 2004

Rip This!


Now that Neil has switched to GNOME, I suddenly get tons of reminders why KDE is better and opportunities to post nice things again, such as my continued appreciation for kio_audiocd:

12/7/04 11:01 am kyappujira/Laptop Hawk: what will replace audiocd:/ for you?
12/7/04 11:01 am neil/GNOME: cdparanoia -S 56 -Bzv 1-
12/7/04 11:01 am neil/GNOME: nice oggenc *.wav; rm -f *.wav

Erm, okay. GNOME applications must be really bad people crawl back to the command line.

(And after having spent hours in The Gimp last night to update the live photos on the HorrorPops web site, I'm indeed quite happy not to use GTK+ applications too often.)

Rip This! Repealed


Nevermind, KDE has put me in bitch mode again due to a KMail error, erm, success, erm... puzzled look.

Encrypted message (decryption not possible)
Reason: Crypto plug-in "openpgp" could not decrypt the data.

Error: Success

Not just Microsoft then.

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