Tuesday November 16, 2004

VVD joins D66 on heresy

European Union

With both van Aartsen and Verdonk coming out for protecting freedom of speech, VVD has now pretty much joined D66 in the opinion that old laws on heresy should be striken, rather than given new life.

There is not much honor in the iconoclasm of 16th century Holland, but prosecuting heretic words is not a good idea either. It's a shame the left turned the debate on terror acts into one of boundaries of free speech, and I'm glad the two parties currently an option for me are standing up for it.

Update: okay, can't blame the left this time: PvdA, SP and Groen Links are with us on this and want the law striken. It's just the CDA and some religious splinter fractions who like to limit freedom of speech. All I have to say now: fuck them, their God, and when I'm done with Mary, she ain't no virgin anymore. Just because I can.

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