Friday November 12, 2004

Good riddance!


As Chris mentioned earlier on Planet KDE, Yasser Arafat has died. I don't share Chris' remorse though, on the contrary: good riddance.

Arafat walked away from the Oslo accords. He failed to keep Palestinians away from terrorism, which is not that remarkable, with quotes like "Palestina from the river to the sea". Arafat was the self-proclaimed and unelected head of an organization with various references to the complete destruction of the State of Israel in its articles.

Indeed, dying might be the best thing Arafat ever did for peace in the Middle East. A Middle East that is actually making progress: Dubai is rapidly establishing itself as the new London or New York: a place to be seen. Turkey is reforming towards a respectable democracy. Outside of Fallujah, Iraq is mostly doing fine.

Even more sad that Tony Blair, George W Bush and Ariel Sharon are not dead in his place.

It's even more sad befriended KDE developers want our own leaders dead, rather than people like Yasser Arafat, Saddam Hussein, Kim Jung-Il, Osama bin Laden, the mullahs.. obviously our leaders aren't flawless but I still think democracy beats whatever the terrorists and dictators are offering us. But hey, I don't hate freedom, wealth and Jews, so what do I know about the world?

Oh well, we'd probably better stick to vi versus joe versus emacs on here.

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