Kiki CMS
Kiki CMS is a Content Management System based on Apache (with mod_rewrite), PHP and MySQL. It powers this web site.
Some of the features:
- user profiles: users can build a profile with information on themselves.
- gig calendars: users can keep a list of seen and planned concerts and even publish a list on their site/blog/MySpace/LiveJournal.
- journals: users can write a journal and tag entries.
- photo albums: users can store their photos. A future feature will allow photos to be linked to gigs and user profiles.
- poetry listings: users can publish poetry.
- instant messenger: users can chat with each other in real-time
- access levels: users can make entries (both journal and photos) visible to all, just registered users, just mates or just themselves.
- a community network: users can befriend each other, which for example gives them neat overviews of where their mates are visiting through shared gig calendars.
- user comments: most objects can be commented on, from photos to journal entries to user profiles.
- themes: Kiki uses CSS themes and supports on-the-fly stylesheet selection.
Kiki is object-oriented and produces valid XHTML Strict pages. No plugins or downloads are required and except for the instant messenger (based on xmlHttpRequest) the entire site works without JavaScript. A development goal is to make the most of AJAX while keeping it completely optional. Another goal is to work towards stricter and stricter Section 508 compliance and to provide a legible site with accessibility in mind.
I'm still working on restoring my code archives under this domain, so the best thing you can do to aid development at this point is to use Kiki here on my personal site (the code is generic, but it's still implemented as part of a site I already had). Having a userbase and more feedback will definitely help me create a viable alternative to sites such as MySpace, as open source software. Like my other software I'll release this under a BSD-style license.
Feel free to spread the word by referring to my three promotions: Looking for a MySpace alternative? and MySpace withdrawl symptoms? and Your own gig calendar. (Yeah.. I definitely need some testers!)
- News: latest musings and feature updates