Your own avatar
- Posted by Rob (#1) on August 6, 2005 11:39 CEST
I've decided to post technical web site updates and ideas under "Software" because it bloody well is software that makes this site do its thing (in fact, it's Kiki CMS).
I am considering adding avatars to the site: registered users would have one displayed next to their comments, as happens on many forums. However, instead of using plain images, I will draw inspiration from Gaia Online. Users would compose their own character and add personality to their avatar by selecting the right clothing and accessories.
It will take time and a lot of work to create such a system, which ranges from drawing template figures and clothing layers to creating a workable market system to trade and purchase items that personalise an avatar. It might not even work too well on a site with two dozen registered users of which only a few are actually active.
So what's my motivation to do all that? Well, it would be fun. And more importantly: it could serve as a prototype for a community-based site I am considering to build, heavily focused on the rock scene and gig culture. MySpace meets Gaia meets Ticketmaster meets Mapquest, sort of. But that's a future plan, right now I'm just interested in personalised avatars.
Please leave a comment and tell me if you think I should waste some time on such a feature. I would need a few people to at least play with the system to have it can evolve properly, if that's not going to happen I might as well not bother with avatars at all.
Update: well, the profile site is here. No avatars yet, but there's progress..
- Tags: Kiki, MySpace, avatars, user profiles, Gaia online, loyalty programs, customisation, Ticketmaster, Mapquest

Steph (#9) on Aug 8, 2005 18:26 CEST (Post reply)
that sounds kool.
i think i was a member on that site at one point but i can't remember lol.

Insane (#30) on Aug 19, 2005 17:16 CEST (Post reply)
In short... DUMB IDEA.
No offence but you said it yourself very few people (maybe just your mates) will actually wan't to come back here regularly to read your stuff (well, I do.. but I haven't a life, so it's completely different) and actually bother about how they appear to the other 4 (?) people who check back regularly.
Of course this is my opinion, why waste time building up an option few people would want to bother about when I can read a book, go to a gig, eat chocolate or anything else and be happy.
Well if you MUST then alright, but something which gives more of a well a rock 'n' roll image than gaia *shudders* You mentioned it's what you want'.

Rob (#1) on Aug 19, 2005 18:27 CEST (Post reply)
I don't intend this to be a serious feature for my personal side, but it would be a fun challenge to build a prototype and just see whether I can do it. Most software engineers have silly projects like these to explore and maintain their talents. Or to build a codebase that can be used in later projects, for example that rock community site.
Either way, it's not a high priority!

Senkusha on Dec 13, 2005 21:42 CET (Post reply)
Let me tell you that I would be willing to pay for a feature that I could "install" into my web based community like this. True, this is a huge project, and I've thought about doing this myself, I just lack the ability to draw well. I would truely love the chibi / anine / manga style features to be included. Let me know if this project ever gets off the ground!
Dez (#4) on Aug 7, 2005 00:27 CEST (Post reply)
teehee, I know GAIA Online! go me, and I can't even play he games (but the forum is laugh-able to read).
think it's a cool idea as in avatar idea, but the forum is kind of annoying with the lay out and the dolls and stuff... But yeah, it's cool. A personal kind of doll-thing :)