

About Steph

erm,....... -thinks of something decent to say-
i'm steph.
i have the most wonderful bf ever and i'm the luckiest person in the universe to have him.
i'm currently in the process of applying for college to study childcare/nusery nursing kinda stuff.
i like playing computer games, being with dave [when i get to see him], listening to music, and other stuff. lol.
my current fave album is Black Holes and Revelations by Muse
my current fave xbox game is Destroy All Humans!
my current fave DS game is AC:WW [animal corssing: wild world]

i like to do my own graphics stuff on my laptop when i can
i help run street teams for the following bands: Koopa, Xms3, Dr.8Ball
i like to go on myspace and msn messenger and I spend loads of time chatting to my other half as he lives a fair bit away so we chat on msn whenever we can.

erm,........... anything else just ask. lol.

Steph's Mates

Steph has 1 mate.



Steph's Gig Calendar

Steph has seen 6 gigs and planned 0 gigs.

Sep 1
The Feeling
London Bridge Vaults, London
Sep 9
Fandangle + Hypo Psycho
Camden Underworld, London
Sep 23
Koopa + Dr.8Ball other bands
Alban Arena, St Albans

View all

Comments posted

On Jul 1, 2006 02:54 CEST in My new friend

ahaha! was that the horse that kept following you in the field near hemel station?
the horses refused to go away.

On Jun 30, 2006 13:17 CEST in Hair, hair, hair

lol. it looks a bit like someone's put a wig on top of your hair. hehe.
or maybe someone shoved it under a blowdry thing when you weren't looking....
sorry, i'm being evil here.

On Aug 8, 2005 18:28 CEST in Pre-order 'Bring it on'

13th sept eh?
good choice of date =P

i shall ask for it for my bday lol.

On Aug 8, 2005 18:26 CEST in Your own avatar

that sounds kool.
i think i was a member on that site at one point but i can't remember lol.


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