
"fuck yeah"

About poodlepants

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poodlepants has 1 mate.



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Comments posted

On Mar 19, 2006 12:36 CET in New haircut

finally, a good picture!!!


On Mar 19, 2006 12:30 CET in Pictures of new haircut


On Feb 20, 2006 21:10 CET in Birthday gift idea? Buffybot!

i'm definitely amused.

On Feb 20, 2006 21:10 CET in Birthday gift idea? Buffybot!

i'm definitely amused.

On Dec 19, 2005 19:09 CET in Public marijuana ban

what an idiotic idea. if they want to decrease disocder, ban fucking drinking. stoned people aren't usually very disorderly. and really, how is smoking it in a coffee shop and then heading out into the streets going to be any different?


and canada barely enforces the no pot smoking in public, how will fucking HOLLAND?


On Jul 16, 2005 09:10 CEST in Song quiz-a-muh-thingey

hahaha!! hot hot hot was my baseball warm-up song in when i was like 13. with sasha!!

and really, green day? annoy you? i can't imagine how!! :P


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