

About Neeraja

I'm a motormouth and can't shut up to save my life.And, as Rob will vouch for, I'm an up and coming stalker practising my skills on Rob.

Neeraja's Mates

Neeraja has 3 mates.




Neeraja's Gig Calendar

Neeraja has seen 0 gigs and planned 0 gigs.

Comments posted

On May 8, 2007 11:40 CEST in Mirror whore II

Don't sulk so...

On May 8, 2007 11:39 CEST in New 666 tat

nice shorts! **grin**

On Jan 7, 2007 10:28 CET in Love

Don't mind me asking, but, why break up if you still loved her? Unless she initiated the thing.........I don't intend opening any wounds or anything, just curious, that's all.
I would cheer you up if I could, but I'm not so good at it.:( You'll have to settle for a sympathetic hug.

On Sep 30, 2006 16:03 CEST in Rob (#1)

Why can't I see your journal entries on the page? I only see that box thingy and the bit about the RSS thing. What happened? The unthinkable? A bug?????????

On Sep 26, 2006 07:37 CEST in Indian food

Why can't I recognise anyhthing? No, wait, it's the greasy restaurant version of Indian food, right?

On Sep 9, 2006 08:44 CEST in Mirror, mirror

is it me or is your hair green?

On Aug 20, 2006 13:58 CEST in Find the easter egg!

Well, don't I deserve a beta update without finding it since I'm founding member of your fan club???????

On Aug 15, 2006 14:11 CEST in Steed

you need to become a poet laureate for this *is in tears*

On Aug 12, 2006 09:30 CEST in Camwhore

I like the look on your face, that "I'm-smarter-and-you're-boring-me" look.

On Jul 29, 2006 13:04 CEST in Post mosh curls

I don't know why you're complaining. You still look nice.

Showed comments 26-35.


Quoth_The_Raven on Oct 27, 2006 13:19 CEST

It is a terrible thing to destroy someone from the inside

Rob on Jul 30, 2006 22:28 CEST

I don't do cake on birthdays.. it's summer, I do icecream. can't ship that though.. ;)

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Tom has more friends but mine are prettier! (#1/1)