

About drummerjonny

play drums, been playin' them now for 11 years, love them to bits 2, play them day and nite lol. Bradford City FC, been my Favorite team since me Uncle took me to see them back in 1995 loved it, I also suport Wigan FC too. I am in a band called Aggrevation (www.aggrevation.co.uk) been around now for 3 years, and doing well. Well known around Bradford and most of West Yorkshire, and yes I am the drummer for the band aswell.

Rock music love it, and also love the band Nickelback, ever since one of me best m8s Gavin took me to see in 2001 at Sheffeild what a night that was, and ever since I have loved them to bits. also like InMe reason being is that when I went to go and see Nickelback at Manchester Appollo Inme was the Surport Act, and they were ace, really really good band. Y'all better get your asses down to Wibsey Working Mens Club on the 10th November and see us.

I really don't sit down and watch a movie, only watch them when I am with me g/f or m8s, but one good one is Click, i like that movie.

Don't watch T.V never nowt good on, I watch UK Gold sumtimes to see the classic like, Only Fools and Horses, Royal Family , My Family, My Hero. Love things like that.

Ryan "Nik" Vikeldal - What a drum player always looked up to this guy, never really looked at anyone eles really, just love all the things he does at live gigs, and on new songs or solos. I would really like to meet him.

drummerjonny's Mates

drummerjonny has no mates.


drummerjonny's Gig Calendar

drummerjonny has seen 0 gigs and planned 0 gigs.

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