All Star and Stripes

Haha. Get the joke? Result of shoe hunting in Copenhagen.

All Star and Stripes


inge (#2) on May 22, 2006 16:49 CEST (Post reply)

Aw, how cute. Ronny has the same, only his are squeaky clean... Possibly because he doesn't mosh while wearing them?

Rob (#1) on May 22, 2006 23:17 CEST (Post reply)

Yeah, this happened during the gig less than eight hours after buying them.. not that I care. :-)

inge (#2) on May 23, 2006 11:54 CEST (Post reply)

Nor do I. I'm still trying to get my pink Converse dirty but even a trip to Rome didn't do the trick. Worn Converse are way better than brand new Converse.

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