Converse Pink II

Pink shoes go well with.. pink socks!

Converse Pink II


Dez (#4) on Aug 23, 2005 14:21 CEST (Post reply)

omg, are those yours??

But... that's pink :o I hate pink :p

Insane (#30) on Aug 23, 2005 14:51 CEST (Post reply)

Pink converse! lucky you... my quest for fluorescent green has yielded poor (red zero) results, If I do say so myself, try candy striped ones, make it look sophisticated... the black makes it look (don't yell) Elf-ey.

Neeraja (#63) on Aug 24, 2005 15:01 CEST (Post reply)

r those your's? No comment .

Kaja on Aug 31, 2005 17:17 CEST (Post reply)

Hey, those are MY shoes! =D

anonymous on Jul 6, 2006 15:54 CEST (Post reply)

loving the shoes dudette

j on Jan 19, 2007 16:44 CET (Post reply)

cool pic

Jull.trdlo on Feb 2, 2007 18:33 CET (Post reply)

Hi..this shoes are so beautiful!!!!!!

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