AJAX Instant Messenger
- Posted by Rob (#1) on July 9, 2006 02:14 CEST
I've added instant messaging to the Kiki user profiles on this web site! It's quite simple: a bit of Javascript sends your messages to the server and retrieves new ones for you, adding them to the page without requiring a refresh/reload of your browser. Tested in Konqueror and Mozilla Firefox.
The database keeps track of what messages you have seen, and you get notified of when a mate enters of leaves the chat. And, if someone chats you up, the site will give you a popup saying there's a new message. From there you can directly join the chat!
To start a conversation you currently have to manually find a mate who is on-line because their profile will have a chat link. But I'll be working on a nice status bar which will tell you which mates are on-line all the time! I shall also make the actual chat window a pop-up, so you won't be limited to a single chat a time (you can work around this by using tabs or multiple windows manually but that's not optimal).
- Tags: Kiki, Ajax, user profiles, Javascript, instant messaging, chat
Insane (#30) on Jul 9, 2006 11:28 CEST (Post reply)
you're making this a mini-myspace... well without the iq-of-three crowd. well, I er commend thy efforts and wish thee luck! but, I must go and '' be mates'' with anyone I know. or don't. same difference.
by the way : didn't you have chat on your first website?