

About kari

kari's Mates

kari has 1 mate.



kari's Gig Calendar

kari has seen 0 gigs and planned 0 gigs.

Comments posted

On Jul 12, 2005 00:00 CEST in Green Day at Ahoy

Yay, Jimmy Eat World! I would've enjoyed it..

On Jul 5, 2005 14:08 CEST in Problem solved

I recommend just getting whatever size you think her finger is. Most women are a 6 to 8'1/2. Any way you ask a woman you are involved with the size of that finger they are going to put two and two together. My fiance just came right out and asked. The only surprise was when the proposal was. But it was still very nice :) Good luck.


Rob on Jul 9, 2006 18:01 CEST

hey! long time no see, way too long in fact! how have you been? and how is the baby?! xxx

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